Tuesday, 15 February 2022

I still cannot process this

I remember when I was young, we always played around with things like what would we do if we heard something that can change our lives completely. Little did I know that there is a bigger secret that the world is operating on.

One thing that I would play around with is finding out that my parents are not my real biological parents. At that time I had no expectation or fear of being an unknown child, because I trusted my parents. Later on, many people have discovered that one or both parents are not their biological parents after living believing that those people are their biological parents.

The sad part is I could not relate to their pain. The pain of not knowing who you are, until now. I may not know their pain completely though, but my pain seems to increase when I hear people speak the lies of the enemy. I know my parents and partly my grand parents but I always thought we were the gentiles as per the bible. Funny enough the Holy Spirit in me did not allow me to use that term on myself. And I thought it was because I was rebellious. Now it is clear that the Holy Spirit was revealing the truth to me, however, due to many people calling Bantu people gentiles, I just went with the flow.

It is still a big mystery how these thieves achieved deceiving the whole world. I do think it was witchcraft as the Bible states, but it seems this is another level no human has ever reached. The level of global witchcraft. The worst thing ever is people are still asleep.

Pastors are still preaching the same old way. Some pastors are waking up but tapping into things I do not know. I kind of feel like with natural intelligence a person can do so much and not be able to solve everything in life. This is a spiritual mystery needing spiritual wisdom.

How can one person resolve this? It is impossible. 

I am waiting for the day people from around the world wake up to the lies we have been fed all our lives from generation to generation. Especially the past 400 years of lies.

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

We probably created / discovered this first

Zulu language is really special in a way that our forefathers created words by joining words.

For instance South Africa in Zulu is Ningizimu which are two words (Ningi) Many + (Zimu) Cannibals. 

I have observed words that have tend to have two words. These words may not be clear because there are similar words in European languages. One thing for sure is I get the clear meaning of these words by separating them even though they don't seem to be two words in other languages.

The first word I have is Candle (Yes). This word in Zulu is Khandlela - Kha (has no meaning) but Ndlela is a way/path. I suspect Khanyisa is the full word for Kha. So it was a very long word when used as KhanyisaNdlela and they probably settled for Kha. Khanyisa simply means light up. So the Candle (Khandlela) simply means light up the way.

Another word that I suspect we created is table. I know we don't have elevated tables in the Bantu culture but the word sounds similar to something that was used in the past for eating and that was isithebe. 

Another interesting word is gold. Gold is a lot in South Africa so it would not be fair to say we did not know it. Our forefather knew it and they used it too. So the word Gold is golide in Zulu. When I use the two words to get the meaning it links perfectly to what this is, Go (does not have a meaning) but Lide means (long). I suspect it comes from Godi meaning (Hole) - Lide (Long). And without doubt gold is found in deep holes/mines. So gold word may as well be a Zulu/Xhosa word.

I have a long list but some words I still need to work on them thoroughly.

This cannot be just coincidence that these words have meanings in Zulu and at the same time these words are transliterated into numerous languages.

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Why Bantus will not repent immediately?

I love my Bantu brothers and sisters dearly, however, I have one thing against them. They enjoy sinning. In as much as they love sinning, they don't know the effect of sin at individual level or at national level.

They will rather criticize Christianity but embrace drinking, sleeping around and being unkind to their brothers and sisters. Is Christianity the true religion - NO and YES. NO, because it was not called Christianity in the olden days and YES because the healing power is only in Christianity.

Bantus had a very strict way of life - woman's purity, liquor was more for ceremonies than daily life, being mean had no place in Bantus. We were ruled by UBUNTU - meaning you can help a stranger just because they are humans and you are also human.

Today social media has elevated everything against UBUNTU. It is the most vile and wicked platforms to get connection with people on. Every Bantu person on social media is enticed constantly by sin. There is nothing left for imagination there. And these platforms are like drugs. People find it hard to leave them of at least reduce the amount of time spent there.

If you would bring things that I mentioned to Bantus, guess what you will be their enemy today. Most of them will rather believe that they were nothing because the arrival of the people from overseas.

The brainwashing is so deep, only the Holy Spirit can undo all the things instilled in their minds.

Sadly, the bible proves that civilization started in Africa, but the belief is the opposite.

May the Almighty help us all.

You are allowed to change you mind

My journey has been one of the lonely ones. I practically reason things alone and try to get answers all by myself. Following this method me...