Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Why I believe the whole world is under a spell

I am still unsure if I will be able to convey the message in this blog properly. Well, the wake up call was the pandemic. For the first time in my life I was house-bound and the only thing I could do was watch news 24/7 to keep myself up to date.

My mental health was at its lowest to say the least. I was not able to see life beyond 1 year to tell the truth. Some bad things are meant to help recognize the truth I guess and wake you up if you are sleeping. This was one of those. I saw the matrix for the first time. I have always been that one person who never followed the crowd. When I was in high school, kids could drink liquor in front of me and I dared not touch it. I had this restraint inside me. I pride myself in being different and I know most people did not like it that I never joined in the ''fun'' as they call it.

This in-built restraint and awkwardness was what kicked in, in 2020. Quickly I got tired to hearing the same words over and over. Just opening a channel and hearing some repetitive words (which lost the meaning with time in my mind) was like my ears were hearing bad sound. I am not keen in people who think alike. I am sorry but I have always liked to debate everything. I don't like when people are all about YES,YES to me. I see that kind as people with no uniqueness. 

Now, the lack of uniqueness in different media was a BIG turn off for me. Here I am stuck in my house listening to people speaking like robots. Where is that one person who has different vocabulary, different views? I doubt even twins think alike or speak the same all the time. 

I was like what is happening? Am I dreaming? Am I dead and living in hell already? When did we start to have one words spoken over and over? And I got bored. It did not take me that long to see that speeches by world leaders were all alike too. Totally confused as to how every one is acting like soldiers under a command. This can only be witchcraft I am telling you. How is it that I still want to be unique but everyone else is speaking like robots?

It is clear as day light now how we lived in this matrix without knowing it for too long - it was  WITCHCRAFT. 

Living in Africa witchcraft is so big here. A man can be a YES MADAM just by using herbs and incantations repetitively. Everyone knows once you use "Bhekaminangedwa'' the man will be yours. Many people can pick up too quickly whether a man is a good man or is under a spell. Men under a spell don't disagree with their wives. They do as they are told and they give their lives totally as required by their wives. They don't have any courage to stand up to their wives. You can see a man, cook, wash, clean, do everything in the house while the woman is sitting. That is called - WITCHCRAFT. Even other men stop respecting a man under a spell. You are called ISIYOYOYO nje. 

So how is the whole world under a spell you ask. Let me tell you, no amount of police control can keep people under a command apart from witchcraft as I used the example above. And incantations could only work because we were house bound. We had nowhere to go but live under a spell by innocent people given words to repeat to us over and over until we are under control.

Humans are free living beings. that is why  in the past some lived solely on the hunt while others lived as shepherds. whether you were a hunter or shepherd the truth is you would be forced to go as far as food was. No-one dared stopped you to feed yourself. Only wild animals stopped humans back then. 

Well, we don't live in the past anymore we have rules and regulations for the good of everyone. But what if the rules deny you means of living? That to me was appalling. Should we die of hunger or sickness. Who will chose for me. Whether it is hunger or sickness both will make me die anyways. So I did not see the difference. Well, if you are living in the first world country and read this you will not understand. That is why you may have accepted quarantining or lockdown because you wanted to get rid of the virus as quick as possible and you still had means of living. Many people in Africa wake up and put up stalls to sell tomatoes, potatoes, etc just to put food on the table. If you don't wake up and sell something then you can't have money for food, rent (if you live in the city/even shacks next to the city), electricity, water, etc. Life is unlivable without income or food. Maybe you can live in the rural areas without income. But the truth is hunger is prevalent here. The only thing keeping us alive is each other. There is still some little ubuntu left where you can ask your neighbor for food. But very few have ubuntu to tell the truth. 

I cannot prove it, but believe you me it is possible that big witches are casting spells and doing incantations right in front of our eyes in the name of uniformed speech. I don't call it uniform speech but incantations because repetitive words are not speech to me but incantations are repetitive and only the wicked dark world uses incantations.

The more certain words are said, the more the mind is under the control of that witch casting spells.

I don't watch or listen to anything that says the same thing a 1000 times over and over. Sorry but I cannot put my mind under incantations control anymore. I like my unique thought and I don't see why I should fit in by using those words that have lost their meaning in my mind. If you think it is just the 'language' or just 'words' then you are in for a surprise. There is no such thing as JUST words. Words are spiritual. Words create. Words destroy. Words can keep a person in bondage/freedom if you don't know. Words are everything.

I have not heard anyone say this, but since 2020 witchcraft has taken the highest place in the history of the world and everyone is under the spell. It may have been happening for years, but 2020 takes the crown. Incantations every where. Incantation by people in suits look innocent and they are not easy to pick up when comparing to someone doing incantations wearing wild animals skin dancing and chanting around the fire or with incense in front of them. Also observe people who watch news 24/7 - it is difficult to hold a conversation with them these days. They are irritable, repeating themselves and not making sense. I avoid such people like plague. Who on earth gets irritated by unique people? They say meaningless words and think they are very intelligent at the same time.

Here is an assignment for you, open 3 or 4 different channels. Write down the similar words that all those channels said and how many times that word was said. Is that normal speech to you? You will soon see that this is not speech but incantations. 

You are under a spell.

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