I have a post where I decoded the possible true name of God based on the Sotho bible.
I also have a post about Jesus true name which is exactly as His fathers.
With that in mind when Revelation 3: 14 was written, I do not think it was revealing a new name unknown to the people. It was the same same written throughout, but for whatever reason in Revelation 3:14 the name reverted to Amen. This means Amen has been the name of God all along in the old testament.
So what is amen? Amen is a scramble name of Yena. all the vowels are there - except that Y was turned into M and then scrambled to make Amen.
The name of Jesus is Yena (not Amen) just like the Father is Yena.
Revelation 3: 14 reads as this: To the angel of the church in Lacodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation.
I hope you can see how Yena was scrambled to Amen.
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