Saturday, 26 March 2022

The fall of Babylon maybe sooner than we think

One prophecy that most people look forward to is the fall of Babylon the Great. Well, most prophecies don't get fulfilled without any human influence.

What will cause the fall of Babylon is unknown but it seems the system will get to the point of self-sabotage. Greed will reach its highest peak and people will start to wake up from the slumber.

How will the Babylon system self-sabotage? It seems with more and more mandates, many people are already looking for alternative ways to live outside the system. It seems there would be a great exit before the system crashes.

Revelation 18: 11 indicates that no-one will buy from Babylon anymore. Merchants will watch and see the system crash right in front of their eyes.

If people are no longer buying from Babylon how will they make a living? It seems with food prices going up and up, there will be the point of no-return. And many people will look for alternative ways of making a living. Money is not the only way of making a living.

So all we can do is prepare. How do you prepare when you don't know when this will happen. 
It is easy, just be a wise virgin. Have you lamp oil ready.

Many people do not even know that the price of bread was once the price of something more expensive today.

So the price of bread today maybe equal to the price of cellphone tomorrow.

And noone can live without food.

So if there is no job and no food how will you live?

All I can say is prepare today.

Babylon is self-sabotaging and soon it will be lying in ashes.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Decoding the names of the books

I struggled so much to come up with Genesis. I almost gave up.

Recently I followed my own method of decoding names. That is write consonants only. And I believe the name is suitable to the book.

Genesis was a sentence. YEP. A full sentence. Genesis without vowels would be GNSS. 

G in my opinion was to mislead. I believe the name of the Book should have been YNSS. Y for the name of God. Now what does NSS means. Reading from right to left in Zulu/Xhosa it would have been Sasinaye meaning - We were with Him. If you write sasinaye without consonants it would be SSNY (left to right) YNSS (right to left)

Now coming to Exodus. To right this book name without vowels is must have been XDS. Just looking at the letters. I already know that it should come from Zulu or Xhosa. These languages have lots of clicks. What word would fit the nature of events in Exodus and the word itself.

And it was none other that Xoshwa. Xoshwa means chased away, evicted, etc. And the last plague in exodus made the Egyptians to basically tell them to leave no matter what. The title does match that last event of eviction.

Scramble Xoshwa to English word like this. 

Change a to e then move it to the front.


Take s to the end like this


Now change h to d like this


Now lastly change w to u


You are allowed to change you mind

My journey has been one of the lonely ones. I practically reason things alone and try to get answers all by myself. Following this method me...