Saturday, 15 January 2022

How the world suppress creativity?

This post is purely an opinion and should be read as such.

I have observed time and again that if you recite the Babylonian garbage - you get a clear pass.

Anyone who struggles to tow in the line or get this Babylon education or brainwashing is tossed outside. Many people have lots of ideas but people always see those people as crazy until their ideas are successful.

I am yet to read a story of someone who invented something and was appreciated by people while in the process. The process of invention is the most difficult, the most frustrating and the most misunderstood process. Some give-up because of lack of resources and lack of people who believe in them.

I for one while I was working was never appreciated as an auditor. It was right there that I got my investigative skill horned. I could smell irregularities like a dog. In most cases, it was not what was in the papers that worried my spirit. My spirit had this thing of just seeing something when my superiors could not. The frustration of not being in the decision making also made me leave the corporate world. 

Immediately after resignation, I found myself saying I am getting back to reading the bible. And you won't believe the struggle I had. I was surely beginning to feel like an atheist. I was investigating the bible unknowingly. I would read and then stop. This happened over and over until I realised that no, it must be something good and not bad.

Now, I investigate names, locations, and even things in the bible freely. My previous job helped me to have a structured way of picking up irregularities. What I am writing in this blog is not at all unique but I am certainly sure that you will find things not written about or even not on YouTube.

I feel the most freest now that I can write my results of investigation without someone saying NO everything is above board. 

What have you felt you were good at but someone was suppressing it?

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