I am kind of tired to decode the names in the bible already. It feels like the same exercise over and over. My discovery of the real names makes me feel like by now it is clear as daylight that the Bible(imibhalo) is in Bantu dialects.
One of the dialects I have not spoken of is Swati. And believe you me the bible has all dialects. If you are still stuck in tribalism nothing will be easy for you trying to decode the bible.
Fortunately, I grew up listening to a radio station in Swaziland because my family lives in a not that far distance to Swaziland. The radio frequency was as clear as the ones in South Africa.
I picked a few words that are different from Zulu (home tongue) from listening the radio station.
Now coming to Goshen. I am sure you know the drill.
- First get the meaning in the bible or other sources,
- Secondly, try to get a Bantu word that sounds similar to Hebrew.
- Lastly decode how it could have been scrambled.
Now what does Goshen appear - Genesis 46: 33 - 34 reads as follows:
When Pharaoh calls you in and asks, "What is your occupation?' you should answer, "Your servants have tended livestock from our boyhood on, just as our fathers did." Then you will be allowed to settle in the region of Goshen, for all shepherds are detestable to the Egyptians"
Most sources say Goshen means near. I will show you why it is the opposite. Goshen should mean far because from the text itself it is clear that Joseph cannot keep his family close to him because the Egyptians don't like shepherds. Why should Joseph force that his family be closer to people who detest them? That is for you to answer.
Now that I have changed the meaning, let us look up the word far in Swati.
I hope you can see the word already. Far is Khashane in Swati.
So how could they scramble the word Khashane to Goshen. I think because words were written without vowels is easy to see which letter was added.
Using the latin letters let us write both Goshen and Khashane without vowels.
You'd get GSHN (SH - was one letter in paleo Hebrew) verus KSHN. Only K was changed to G. And when the vowels were introduced, the scramblers intentionally used wrong vowels.
So in conclusion, Joseph's family was kept as far as possible because Egyptians did not like shepherds.
And the place was far meaning KHASHANE not GOSHEN.
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