What was Sodom and Gomorrah? I suspect it is the same situation of Babylon, where Bantu people gave the name to describe the state of the land. So no self-loving, self-respecting city would call itself Sodom and Gomorrah.
According Genesis 19: 5 it is written: They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them"
Well, if you don't see the nature of the place let me help you. Lot is living in a place full of people who practice too sex.
A sex place in Xhosa is:
Can you see the similarities between isondo and Sodom? This one they simply Changed N to M to get Somdo. Then take M to the end to get SODOM. Sodom was a sex place, even the people there behave like that.
Sodoms real name is Sondo but without place it wont be appropriate. So it must be indawo yokwabelana ngesondo.
Now let us get to Gomorrah. Gomorrah has a meaning going around in the net but believe you me it is not at all correct. The correct meaning for Gomorrah is Dirt. I stil dont know how the Bible people spoke. How can two places have two dialects? It is very interesting to hear what they sounded like.
Okay, dirt is from a Zulu word ukungcola.I suspect dirt is indicative of behavior rather than the place.
Let us first remove UKU and be left with Ngcola. Can you see the similarities between Gomorrah and Ngcola. Lots of times Ls have changed to Rs so let us do that also to get Ngcora. Add another R just for fun and get Ngcorra. Change N to H and then throw it at the end and get Gcorrah. Now, change C to M and then move it to after O to get GOMRRAH. Gomrrah misses a vowel. But if you pronounce gomrrah and ngcola you can tell it rhymes.
Lastly, add O after M to get Gomorrah.
There you have it. Gomorrah means dirt and was called a place of dirt (indawo yokungcola)
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