Monday, 17 January 2022

What is Babylon's possible real name?

Babylon is one place no one knows in terms of location. Many people speculate a lot.

The problem with the word Babylon is there is no kingdom today that calls itself Babylon.

If you know Bantu people, you will know that there is a tendency of labelling things and people. Most names we give to people or places are not names they would use to call themselves. That is the same situation with Babylon. Babylon is not a name any self-loving, self-respecting nation/kingdom would give itself. Why do I say so. The meaning of Babylon is right there in the bible in Genesis 11.

Let us look at the verse, Genesis 11 : 9 That is why it was called Babel - because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

The meaning of the word Babel also called Babylon is confusion of the tongue

What is the confusion of the tongue in Bantu dialect. I found the closest word in Zulu, unfortunately those who translated the bible chose a word I don't see fits. So i went to google translate.

Confusing the tongue is did'ulim. 

Confuse comes from the word DIDA. Tongue in Zulu is the same as language it is ulimi.
If you want to scramble Babylon from DIDA ulimi you would first join the two words and get
Didaulimi. Secondly change Ds to Bs and get Bibaulimi. Thirdly cut out letters like U and I  (the one at the end)  to get Bibalim. Now swap Bi and Ba and get Babilim. Lastly, change I and M to O and N your results would be Babilon. Babi is Basically from Dida. 

Babylon's real name is Did'ulim. 

What is your verdict - can any self-loving nation call itself confusion?

You decide.

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