The coming of Christianity to South Africa also meant herbalism was condemned totally.
However, if you see the bible original languages it was written in and then also believe that the holy locations are right here in the Southern Region, you will also see that the people of the bible used herbs a lot.
For example Jacob is said to have increased his stock through the use of a certain herb called poplar (not hyssop) Genesis 30: 37 - 43.
Whether what Jacob did was right or wrong is not said in the bible.
Rachel also used herbs before God gave her children - see Genesis 30: 14.
Christianity demonized the use of herbs and anyone who is living that way is supposedly ''barbaric''. However the bible shows us of the people using herbs for healing even the other laws have herbs to be used etc.
There is this one herb though that is used almost just as much as incense, that is hyssop.
When the children of Israel were given instructions to protect themselves from the angel of death, they were told to use this herb called hyssop (see Exodus 12: 22) to paint their door frames.
There is a psalm talking about hyssop being the herb to cleanse us (Psalm 51: 7)
Hebrews 9:19 says Moses used hyssop to sprinkle the scroll and all the people .
What is this hyssop in the Bantu dialects. First what is it in paleo hebrew - well it is called ezob.
With all the scrambling this word they did, the herb was well know in my part of the land of the Ngunis and it is called iboza.
Yes, this hyssop plant is none other than iboza, others call it ibozane.
Iboza is very good for for respiratory issues apparently. How did iboza become ezob. Clearly this name is firstly backwards. Turn ezob backwards again and get boze. The last e is only changed letter after writting the letter backward.
So now that Christianity has condemned herbalism but we still see Moses sprinkling people using a herb, what does that mean? Is Christianity following the bible or is it adding rules contrary to the bible? I know Jesus is the answer, but Christianity made us forsake herbalism for medicines. If it was the issue of faith, then medicine would also be condemned.
Well, herbs have also been used for witchcraft but just like the tree of good and evil, there are good herbs that wont open demonic doors like hyssop. Please note, I am not a herbalist though.
Next time you hear about hyssop, just remember it is a herb easily available in the wild of South Africa.
As to why Psalm 51 says clean me with iboza (hyssop) and I will be clean indeed I have no idea as to its spiritual abilities known to the bible times people. I pray for revelation in that regard.
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