Torah is like the book of the Bantus they used daily in the past. But what was it called, because torah does not sound like a Bantu word?
One day I was just sitting minding my business (watching something)when the real name came. I was like thank you Holy Spirit because you are helping me even when I am not thinking around these words.
The word torah simply means law. Well, when you search the meaning online, you will get a long list of things it means. However, the truth is the word Torah means law.
What is law in Bantu dialects? In Zulu/Xhosa it is umthetho. In Sotho/SeTswana it is molao.
Can you see the similarities between Molao and Torah?
I have said in one post the scramblers liked to change Ms to Ts and this is on perfect example. If you change M to T you would get Tolao. Second change L ro R and get Torao. Lastly change O to H.
Your final answer is Torah.
Somebody tell me, is law in English also coming from Molao?
Bantus be proud of being the source of laws in the world.
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