Sunday, 16 January 2022

What was Isaac's real name?

I am sure by now you no the drill. If not, check other posts about the real names of the people of the bible. 

Very few people names were written in their original Bantu names. I am still to find at least one person with the original bantu name - possibly in the long genealogies. That is because no-one wants to read the whole chapter of who beget who. 

Well back to Isaac, you probably are like me. I like straight forward answers eg I would want the post to be Isaac is XXXX then I move on. However, if I do so I won't do justice to comparing the paleo Hebrew to Bantu dialects. If I jump straight to the answer also you may say it is not true because you may not see how the word was manipulated from the original Bantu name to the written paleo Hebrew.

Ok, enough about rambling. According to the bible Isaac means laughter - Genesis 21 : 6 reads as follows: Sarah said, "God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me"

What is to laugh or laughter in Bantu languages? I will settle for Southern Sotho translation. Feel free to use google translate to check Xhosa, Zulu, SeTswana, etc

But laugh in Southern Sotho is Tsheha. In Paleo Hebrew, Isaac is Yitzchaq. Again the consonants are what will guide us. Tsheha and Yitzchaq have THA in common. It seem YI was added incorrectly in paleo Hebrew. To have the words at the same standing Tsheha would be Tzchaq without YI in paleo Hebrew. Again S was changed to Z. C could be E. Let us try with these few changes Tzchaq changes to Tsehaq. The last thing we can do is either remove q altogether or change Q to H and then move it from the end and put it between S and E. We can finally have Tsheha from Tsehaq. 

The re-writting of names was intentional, deceptive and scrambled.

Isaacs' real Bantu name was possibly just Tsheha. 

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