Friday, 28 January 2022

Why Matthew 24 is partly in the past?

I have realized that the timelines of the bible have been intentionally shifted. It is unclear as to who and when did the times change. But the change was done at the same time history was changed.

I know you will ask, how do I know? Well, the moment I learned about the Southern African area being the location of the bible, I have realized how little I know about the Temple. The temple was rebuilt according to the bible but Jesus in Matthew 24 pronounces horrific events.

The first event Jesus prophesies is the destruction of the temple. He is clear that not one stone will be left upon another. (Matthew 24: 2). So if the prophecy already happened, then clearly no-one will know where the temple was. And that is the situation right now in South Africa. No-one has ever had about the temple. I mean I have never heard any person preach that the house of prayer was in the Southern region. If there were walls at least maybe we could have known that temple. 

Jesus also prophesies serious persecutions for people who will be talking about His Name. I know you would be like there are persecution though in some countries for Christians. I am not speaking in terms of the scrambled name but the REAL name He used while on earth. I believe for the fear of persecution people stopped speaking about His name and eventually it was forgotten. When it got changed to Jesus there was no-one who could remember because those who believed in Him were all gone. 

He is also speaking about false prophets coming up at that time. Well, even today in the repackaged religion we do have false prophets I do not deny that. My concern is Christianity is built on a lie itself. Lie that this took place 2000 years ago. Lie that Jesus was white. Lie that the event took place in some location other than Southern Africa. Lies upon lies. I hope you get that. So false prophets or no false prophets, the message of Jesus has been tainted a lot. This explains the many sects within Christianity itself.

The preaching of the gospel of the kingdom is not what most people have been doing I believe. By over-using the word kingdom, you are not fulfilling the scripture (Matthew 24:14). We need more understanding of the original text in the original language (Bantus). The starting point shouldn't be Greek but a Bantu language. I think the two witnesses rising back will be the two split kingdoms of the Bantus coming back to realization that we have let other nations trample on the holy land. (Revelation 11:2). The true message to bring about the end of the era of evil will be from understanding what this gospel really was.

The second coming is also right there in Matthew 24: 30 - 31 where he promises to collect all His followers across the earth. And it is clear that Jesus will not take only the people of Bantus also, some Bantus will be left behind. This is because God was never about a special nation getting a free pass to heaven, but it is all about the righteous finally getting to live separate from the evil people. I really pray people wake up to realizing that we have many things in common apart from race, language, etc - that is good people like to treat others well and be treated as such also. This evil monster of classing people has made people accept evil people just to fight for their race, tribe, language, etc. No evil person should be protected under the guise of he/she is one of us. 

So the destruction of the temple is well in the past. The persecution for the real Name, is also in the past. The false prophets are partly in the past and now. The preaching of the true gospel is not yet done, because what we have now is repackage gospel with an agenda. So the one to bring about the end is in future. The second coming of Jesus is clearly in future.

I am not saying Matthew 24 is 100% in the past or 100% in the future. It is split.

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