Saturday, 15 January 2022

What were Cain and Abel real names?

I know this exercise will get tiring with time. However, I will be unpacking two names again. I am sure I will get where I will unpack more names in a post. 

I will unpack the real names for Cain and Abel in this post.

Let us start with Cain. Cain's name will be reflective of Gods name. I have a whole post speaking about the possible name of God. Read it here What was Gods name.

In Genesis 4 : 1 it reads

Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said "With the help of the Lord, I have brought forth a man.

According to paleo Hebrew it was written as Qayin. I do not believe Q was the original consonant used but K. I will show you once I get to the paleo letters what Q stands for. Right now let us focus on Kayin which was misspelt as Qayin. I suspect in paleo it would have been KYN with no vowels obviously if written from right to left would be NYK. But in todays written form it would be KAYENA

See Zulu/Xhosa translations below when you use YENA as Gods name.

Bantu languages may have one or two different words but most possessive words are usually the same. You can see  -ka YENA in both Zulu and Xhosa. If you have read the hyperlinked post of what is Gods name, then you can agree Cains name had Gods name in it. and his name is KAYENA. 

Now let us move to Abel. This one will be a bit complicated but it is doable.

Genesis 4:2 does not give us the meaning but the meaning of Abel is given in many other sources. Just search online. The meaning I got is breath and in paleo hebrew it is written as hevel. Remember I said for me to confirm if the word is bantu I use the one or two letters that are common between paleo Hebrew and Bantu dialect. 

In this instance I wont even go through Xhosa, Zulu or Southern Sotho to match the words as that would make this post to be extremely long. You are free to search Breath on Google translate to confirm how this is scraped out.

I went with SeTswana. SeTswana is however, not available on Google translate for whatever reason. It is not difficult because there are other source to confirm. In this instance I used It normally shows how the word is used in a sentence, rather than give you one word answer.

So this is what Breath means according to

You can see the highlighted words on the right column which are Hema, Hemisa, etc. But what was Abels name in Bantu language you ask - HEMA because breath is hema in SeTswana. Can you see the common letters? H from Hevel and E. The same thing done to Eve is done to Abel. Instead of M - V is used. I have no idea why.  Change V back to M and you will have HEMEL which is still not correct because there is no L in hema. I think intentionally again, the letters are changed and another letter is added also. However, there is enough evidence that Hevel and Hema are the same word. No two languages that don't come from the same group share letters. 

So Abels real name was HEMA meaning breath.

I am still unsure how the mother and father have Sotho names (Madi and Mme) and then Sons have Setswana and Nguni (Hema and Kayena) names respectively. It is possible that all Southern Bantu languages were once one language but with families moving further away from each other and mixing with the nations that were living here, new words were adopted. 

You will see throughout the bible that you cannot use Xhosa or Sotho as your basis. If you do limit the names to one dialect. one name quickly looses its meaning. Just go with the flow. If you are multi-lingual, paleo Hebrew will flow easily. 

I also suspect that us grouping ourselves as Xhosas, Zulus, Sothos, etc. made it hard to see the names in the bible because we are conditioned to only understand our own Bantu dialects. Besides, names are sometimes written backwards, etc which makes it be a matter of solving it first. The bible is clearly all bantu dialects in one place. 

I am interested to know how these people speak. My mind quickly thinks of Soweto people who can speak Sotho and Nguni in one sentence.

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