Friday, 28 January 2022

Why Matthew 24 is partly in the past?

I have realized that the timelines of the bible have been intentionally shifted. It is unclear as to who and when did the times change. But the change was done at the same time history was changed.

I know you will ask, how do I know? Well, the moment I learned about the Southern African area being the location of the bible, I have realized how little I know about the Temple. The temple was rebuilt according to the bible but Jesus in Matthew 24 pronounces horrific events.

The first event Jesus prophesies is the destruction of the temple. He is clear that not one stone will be left upon another. (Matthew 24: 2). So if the prophecy already happened, then clearly no-one will know where the temple was. And that is the situation right now in South Africa. No-one has ever had about the temple. I mean I have never heard any person preach that the house of prayer was in the Southern region. If there were walls at least maybe we could have known that temple. 

Jesus also prophesies serious persecutions for people who will be talking about His Name. I know you would be like there are persecution though in some countries for Christians. I am not speaking in terms of the scrambled name but the REAL name He used while on earth. I believe for the fear of persecution people stopped speaking about His name and eventually it was forgotten. When it got changed to Jesus there was no-one who could remember because those who believed in Him were all gone. 

He is also speaking about false prophets coming up at that time. Well, even today in the repackaged religion we do have false prophets I do not deny that. My concern is Christianity is built on a lie itself. Lie that this took place 2000 years ago. Lie that Jesus was white. Lie that the event took place in some location other than Southern Africa. Lies upon lies. I hope you get that. So false prophets or no false prophets, the message of Jesus has been tainted a lot. This explains the many sects within Christianity itself.

The preaching of the gospel of the kingdom is not what most people have been doing I believe. By over-using the word kingdom, you are not fulfilling the scripture (Matthew 24:14). We need more understanding of the original text in the original language (Bantus). The starting point shouldn't be Greek but a Bantu language. I think the two witnesses rising back will be the two split kingdoms of the Bantus coming back to realization that we have let other nations trample on the holy land. (Revelation 11:2). The true message to bring about the end of the era of evil will be from understanding what this gospel really was.

The second coming is also right there in Matthew 24: 30 - 31 where he promises to collect all His followers across the earth. And it is clear that Jesus will not take only the people of Bantus also, some Bantus will be left behind. This is because God was never about a special nation getting a free pass to heaven, but it is all about the righteous finally getting to live separate from the evil people. I really pray people wake up to realizing that we have many things in common apart from race, language, etc - that is good people like to treat others well and be treated as such also. This evil monster of classing people has made people accept evil people just to fight for their race, tribe, language, etc. No evil person should be protected under the guise of he/she is one of us. 

So the destruction of the temple is well in the past. The persecution for the real Name, is also in the past. The false prophets are partly in the past and now. The preaching of the true gospel is not yet done, because what we have now is repackage gospel with an agenda. So the one to bring about the end is in future. The second coming of Jesus is clearly in future.

I am not saying Matthew 24 is 100% in the past or 100% in the future. It is split.

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Were Bantus a special nation?

I kind of realize that the confusion and deception is at its highest peak in our generation. For the lack of the knowledge of history, we have now grown into classes we never were.

The bible is a book full of wisdom, yes, and also it is history. Looking at the bible history, you realize that the Israelites (Bantus) have always intermarried. Intermarriage forges new relationships in the Bantu culture. And how did they relate to the sons and daughters that were not Bantus is all in the bible. We even see in Jesus genealogy that Rahab is there (non-Bantu), Tamar of Judah is there (non-Bantu) and so forth. No-one is excluded just because they were not a Bantu. 

If Bantus behaved themselves the way Jews do today, there was never going to be intermarriages. What I see God saying to Bantus over and over in the bible is you are not unique, or special, I just want you to clean the land. Deuteronomy 9:5. says it was because other nations were too wicked. Cannibalism, human sacrifice, idolatry, lack of hospitality etc were some of the reasons God wanted to end those nations. Those nations in the land made people to live in fear.

Bantus were not righteous but also not corrupt to the level of people found in the promised land. Bantus never had carved 'gods'. I only know witches crafting dolls to bewitch others, etc. Even the idols taken from Africa were not from Bantus in most cases. 

Yes, Bantus adopted the ways of the people in the land as the bible states. So some Bantus were now owners of idols. That alone shows that they were fascinated by other people's wickedness. They were easily swayed. Anyone who thinks they are special will not be easily swayed by others. People who think they are special also carry a bit of arrogance. That arrogance is ungodly though and should never be celebrated. But Bantus don't show that kind of arrogance according to history. know Bantus have lots of proverbs around how to treat others. 

The Bible never said any nation should rule over the other. Unfortunately, history shows lots of wars also by the Bantus which are misinterpreted as violence or an attempt to subdue and rule those nations. But if you were coming to a land full of cannibals, tell me you would build a house and lock yourself forever because if you get out you get eaten and also because you don't want to kill anybody. No, the solution is if these people don't want to leave the evil ways of eating humans, sacrificing humans, etc just destroy them totally. They should never be allowed to live because everyone is at risk. Everyone is their next meal or sacrifice.

Please see my post on what are the Nephilim's to understand that South Africa was a land of cannibals.

So this theory of a nation that was special is all the lies of the enemy. It is clearly to class humans. But God classes us into two categories - Good and Bad. From Cain and Abel, that theme of good people and bad people goes all the way till the last page where the bad will be removed completely from society.

Whether you are a Bantu or not, you should judge people based on their good and bad behavior. Everything else is the lie of the enemy. If you behave bad even as a Bantu, your destination is eternal damnation. I am not evil reconstructing the bible, evil kings were not buried next to good kings. Evil behavior is what makes God angry not when you are not a Bantu. If you are a Bantu - just as Jesus said salvation is from the Bantus (Jews). 

Bantus are not getting a free ticket to heaven just because they are Bantus. Righteous people only get in. If you cause people to turn away from God, and make them commit the worst sins never seen before and call yourself chosen. Maybe you are the chosen of the enemy of God.

What were the Nephilim's in the bible

A simple google search will give you millions of answers and most of them believe the Nephilim's were some giant people.

It is possible that the Nephilim's were giants but also they could have been normal  human size. The bible does state that they were giants according to the report of the spies. Growing up there was a time we moved from the city to the rural areas. That alone meant we became closer in the rural area because there was no distraction such as TV games and TV in general. 

The only stories I remember were the stories told by the elders were ghost related or cannibals that lived in the land. South Africa in Zulu is called iNingizimu Africa. One day I woke up and hated this name because it made me feel like I was a cannibal. I just did not know why we still called it Ningizimu for real. How many people in South Africa eat humans? If they exist, they are very few and would not do that in public for sure.

So how can a land full of cannibals and ghosts becomes a land of giants (that is if you believe the Bible location is South Africa like me). Well, that was the process of scrambling the bible and making it look like these events took place in some foreign land. Fortunately or unfortunately some events are unique to African belief and other races have not been linked to such beliefs.

Numbers 13: 32- 33 reads So they brought a bad report of the land which they had spied out to the sons of Israel, saying, "The land through which we have gone to spy out is a land that devours its inhabitants; and all the people whom we saw in it are of great stature. We also saw the Nephilim there (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight and so we were in their sight.

I have already mentioned the stories from elders of cannibals and ghosts and verse 32 kind of gives hint that the land of the Nephilim devoured its people. Only humans and animals eat, and the land not so much. We can see that the verse just used land instead of people. The people of that land were eating people living there. And that is exactly how South Africa is called in Zulu - Ningizimu (Ningi meaning many, Zimu meaning cannibals)

Now lets see how Ningizimu can become Nephilim

Luckily no R was thrown in unnecessarily.

So first Change the First I to E like so


Remove the U at the end and get


Now change Z to L and get


Now change G to P and get


Now change second N to H and get


Now swap H and P and get 



Nephilim is from Ningizim meaning the land was full of cannibals

I suspect the ten spies demotivating the whole nation were Zulus, they carried this history of cannibals for years and even named the land Ningizimu.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

How Durban was possibly named

 I think our people have either been bewitched or sleeping for real. I am not exempt from what has been happening to my brothers and sisters.thing

I was thoroughly brainwashed and getting As for fake history, fake geography and and unnecessary skill-less subjects.

Durban is certainly the land full of the Zulus. I don't feel comfortable to segregate myself using a language, or surname. Back in the days the land was either named after and event, person, animals, or any other thing.

Durban is a scrambled name of a person called Ndaba. I suppose the Ndaba who is one of the sons of Jacob (Manqoba). See my post on the love letter from God to the true people, there you will see Ndaba as one of the sons.

But Durban to a certain extent was called a place for uMthaniya ka Ndaba. Remember there were no surnames in the past. So Ndaba was not a surname but a name.

Why did they take away Mthaniya? It is what you see in the bible also, over and over. Certain words fall away, leaving meaningless words.Eg House of Prayer (Ntlo Ya Thapelo) and Ntlo Ya taken away left Thapelo which was then scrambled to Temple. 

So using that same theory of throwing away words, Mthaniya is chucked out and the scrambler was left with Ndaba.

To scramble the word Ndaba to Durban I would do this

First put N at the end and get


Now change first A to U and get


As a scrambler last laugh throw in the famous R between U and B and get


There you have it, Durban is just Ndaba scrambled. 

Unfortunately, for the scrambler some Zulus still refer to this area as the land of Mthaniya Ka Ndaba. Now when I see R is a land, I immediately want to unscramble it.

How South Africa possibly changed from Azania

Most people still remember South Africa as Azania, however, it is as if one night we people went to sleep and when they woke up the Azania was all of a sudden S. Africa'

What I discuss in this post is not documented history, and Í have already heard some say that the word Africa comes from some guy who had the same name, or Africa means black or whatever they always say, but I don't believe any of that now.6

Once you get into the language of the bible and see the painful scrambling of words done to the bantu words to create this non-existent paleo Hebrew, you start to see how that went on until recently. 

The scramblers clearly were on a mission to scramble anything and everything with a Bantu word. South Africa also was as a result of scrambled word. I know you wont believe me. No one ever said it, I know. But it is a high possibility. 

South Africa was Azania,so how does Azania gets scrambled to South Africa. From my own observation the scramblers loved Rs. I think the first thing they possibly did was swap A and Z and it was

Now change one A to F and get


Now change Z to S and get


Now add a full stop between S and A and get

S. Afnia

Now add R between F and N and you will get

S. Afrnia . The word is almost there.

Now change N to C and then swap it with I to get

S. Africa

When people started asking what S stood for, I assume they simply said it stood for South. 

And once this is changed in the maps, I suppose it was then necessary to brainwash the new generation through ''geography'' that taught the names of countries and ours was now South Africa.

Are you still not convinced. I think once you question the people were are supposedly named after, you realise that history around some characters is shaky.

How can a whole continent follow the name Africa if it is scrambled and has no meaning in any spoke language?

Did they put us to sleep and woke us up after they changed maps, directions, etc?

It is unthinkable how we use these words.

Monday, 24 January 2022

What is this hyssop used in the bible?

The coming of Christianity to South Africa also meant herbalism was condemned totally.

However, if you see the bible original languages it was written in and then also believe that the holy locations are right here in the Southern Region, you will also see that the people of the bible used herbs a lot.

For example Jacob is said to have increased his stock through the use of a certain herb called poplar (not hyssop) Genesis 30: 37 - 43. 

Whether what Jacob did was right or wrong is not said in the bible.

Rachel also used herbs before God gave her children - see Genesis 30: 14.

Christianity demonized the use of herbs and anyone who is living that way is supposedly ''barbaric''. However the bible shows us of the people using herbs for healing even the other laws have herbs to be used etc.

There is this one herb though that is used almost just as much as incense, that is hyssop.

When the children of Israel were given instructions to protect themselves from the angel of death, they were told to use this herb called hyssop (see Exodus 12: 22) to paint their door frames.

There is a psalm talking about hyssop being the herb to cleanse us (Psalm 51: 7)

Hebrews 9:19 says Moses used hyssop to sprinkle the scroll and all the people .

What is this hyssop in the Bantu dialects. First what is it in paleo hebrew - well it is called ezob.

With all the scrambling this word they did, the herb was well know in my part of the land of the  Ngunis and it is called iboza.

Yes, this hyssop plant is none other than iboza, others call it ibozane. 

Iboza is very good for for respiratory issues apparently. How did iboza become ezob. Clearly this name is firstly backwards. Turn ezob backwards again and get boze. The last e is only changed letter after writting the letter backward.

So now that Christianity has condemned herbalism but we still see Moses sprinkling people using a herb, what does that mean? Is Christianity following the bible or is it adding rules contrary to the bible? I know Jesus is the answer, but Christianity made us forsake herbalism for medicines. If it was the issue of faith, then medicine would also be condemned.

Well, herbs have also been used for witchcraft but just like the tree of good and evil, there are good herbs that wont open demonic doors like hyssop. Please note, I am not a herbalist though.

Next time you hear about hyssop, just remember it is a herb easily available in the wild of South Africa. 

As to why Psalm 51 says clean me with iboza (hyssop) and I will be clean indeed I have no idea as to its spiritual abilities known to the bible times people. I pray for revelation in that regard.

Saturday, 22 January 2022

How the story of Lazarus could be the prophetic future of Africa


The story of Lazarus's resurrection is one that I have always felt it represents Africa. 

One thing that stands out is that Jesus loved Lazarus (John 11: 3)

I believe God has always loved Africa. In His heart we are His precious token, yet we have not loved him back equally.

Lazarus resurrection is very dramatic in a way. Jesus is told that Lazarus is sick. Jesus responds and says this sickness will not end in death. This seems like Jesus knows something others don't. Rather He says it is this sickness that will bring glory to God.

Africa has been an image of poverty, sickness, illiteracy, etc. It has basically been on life support for too long. What we see as life is not it because the potential is much higher.

Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days when Jesus arrived. (John 11: 17) Do you see the number four. Africa has been sleeping or rather dead for four hundred years now. It seems this cycle of four hundred years keeps on coming back. 

But allowing Jesus to resurrect us is the only thing required. Many people want to run away from Jesus but they simply end up living miserably. There is no life outside Jesus. 

Martha has thrown in the towel but she acts like a believer. She says Lazarus will resurrect at the last day. (John 11: 24). But she is not aware that Jesus wants people to know who God is by resurrecting Lazarus.

Africa coming back to life in all spheres should be to bring glory to God, not human. Many people want us Africans to work together but they don't mention going back to God. Only the Spirit of God can soften hard hearts and heal us of any bitterness and animosity toward others.

Back to Lazarus, Jesus shows his humanity here by weeping over the state of Lazarus. I believe Gods heart is bleeding by looking at the state of Africa.

Lazarus is already stinking in the cave (tomb) (John 11: 39) Jesus prayer to resurrect Lazarus is very interesting, He says "Thank you Father that you have heard me". It is as if he has been praying long for Lazarus. I believe God the Father is waiting for our cry. Genuine cry not for your immediate family, friends and relatives but the cry for the continent coming from all around Africa. We know he always responds to those who call upon His name. 

After Jesus prayer we see Jesus calling forth Lazarus in a loud voice. I just cant imagine the emotional voice of Jesus calling forth a dead man. 

Like a man in prison Lazarus was also tied up. He was dead but also tied up like a prisoner.

If you know the limitations that are imposed on Africans you will know we are practically living in a prison.

Jesus commands the people around to untie Lazarus and they do as told. (John 11: 44)

Lazarus is back at home living his normal life but not everyone is happy. I believe the day Africa is flourishing most people will not be happy. Why, because it would be a clear sign of God's doing.

John 12: 10 shows the evil that was in people. They wanted Lazarus dead again only because He was proof of Gods power. 

The fact that there is no mention of Lazarus being murdered leaves a good feeling because it means he died a natural death. This to me also is something to celebrate because once Africa rise back to power, I believe no one will ever touch it. It will live a good long prosperous life until the savior comes.

This story is a beautiful prophetic future of Africa. I trust that many people will pray for the continent more than they over did before. If there is any animosity toward you brown brothers, just ask the Holy Spirit to change your heart so that we can work together for the betterment of our land.

Friday, 21 January 2022

What names do we use to call God in Bantu now?

The bible shows clearly that God was never called by one name. Yes, His name Yena is his personal identifier but his other names were indicative of His power, His location, His abilities all in all. 

I don't think God can be limited to just one word to describe Him. It seems the English name God is very limited. It does not describe what he is capable of, where he is located and so forth.

In Bantu dialects, God is many things. 

You can see that using the name God is very limiting. God shows Himself different all the time. Sometimes he is a healer, provider, protector, etc. And at that time God is called by what he did in Bantu.

To heal is  - ukulapha same as Jehova Rapha. But in true sense it would be Yena uYalapha.(lapha vs rapha)

It seems most bible names have not been used that much by Bantus because very few people know how to worship God. The only thing people will tell you is they speak to ancestors who then speak to God. When I read the bible I don't see that type of worship. Abraham is said to have called on the name of the Lord (Genesis 13: 4). 

Today, most people will defend the ancestral worship and call it African spirituality. But if the bible is Bantu spirituality, then how come today people claim ancestral worship as Bantu spirituality.

The sad reality is Bantus have always been leaving God for other types of worship. It is a never ending circle of returning to God and then forsake Him again from generation to generation. 

The names we use to call God today have no power and are not indicative of what God is doing for us at all. Those names are not relational.


What is Amen and why is Jesus called Amen?

I have a post where I decoded the possible true name of God based on the Sotho bible.

I also have a post about Jesus true name which is exactly as His fathers. 

With that in mind when Revelation 3: 14 was written, I do not think it was revealing a new name unknown to the people. It was the same same written throughout, but for whatever reason in Revelation 3:14 the name reverted to Amen. This means Amen has been the name of God all along in the old testament.

So what is amen? Amen is a scramble name of Yena. all the vowels are there - except that Y was turned into M and then scrambled to make Amen.

The name of Jesus is Yena (not Amen) just like the Father is Yena.

Revelation 3: 14 reads as this: To the angel of the church in Lacodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation.

I hope you can see how Yena was scrambled to Amen. 

Thursday, 20 January 2022

The story of Jesus clothes divided

The story of the scramble of Jesus clothes is a complete reflection of what happened to Africa.

When our forefathers chose to reject the savior, everything done to him has been done to Africa.

The Scramble for Africa is a true reflection of what was done to Jesus. They divided his clothes by casting lots. Can you imagine being stripped naked and people gambling your clothes? Very sad and shameful.

Africa is a picture of a smitten land just like Jesus was smitten. This has clearly meant we have paid for the sins of our forefathers. The psychological trauma has damaged the image of Africa. Yet, we are a happy group of people. We tend to move on by burying the sad past and just live in the moment. 

Let us read Matthew 27: 28, 31, 35

28:  They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him

31: After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. They led him away to crucify him.

35: When they had crucified him, they divided up his clothes by casting lots

The Scramble for Africa is almost the same thing that had happened to Jesus. First the most expensive buildings (temple, etc.) were stripped. And the final nail in the head was splitting the land among the foreigners. 

I have never heard of someone claiming that a tree in another yard is theirs. Those who dwell in the yard with a fruit tree have possession of that tree. Whether the person with a tree uses it or not is not to be anyone's concern. The claiming of the richest lands just baffles me. 

The movement of the land boundaries was like a spit in God's face the way I see it. The bible is clear that God set the boundaries. Didn't they fear God when they moved the boundaries?

Psalms 74: 17 It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.

Proverbs 22: 28 Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your ancestors

Proverbs 23: 10 Do not move an ancient boundary stone or encroach on the fields of the fatherless.

I have heard many times that we should forget about the past, and just move on. Can you move on if in your yard someone is still picking the fruits of your children?

Today trespassing is a huge thing, but it seems it was not when the clothes of Jesus (lands of Africa) were divided among themselves.

I pray we ask God for forgiveness for the sins of our forefathers.

I pray God will heal Africa from self-hatred and tribalism.

I pray God will return what has been stolen, in seven-fold (Proverbs 6:31).

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Decoding the two robbers with Jesus at the cross

Just like the name of this blog it is all about decoding the messages in the bible. Decoding the names of people, the locations, and other stuff. But also the stories are telling a certain reality that will happen in future even though the events did take place.

So we are told over and over that Jesus was crucified with two robbers. Why did they crucify robbers? It looks like the punishment was too harsh for just a minor thing.

Should not murderers be killed and robbers be asked to return back what they stole?

I don't know if you have actually seen that the robbers both treat Jesus differently. One robber asks Jesus to help them escape death without feeling remorse for his sins, the other one says we deserve our punishment. The one who says they deserve their punishment is the one Jesus takes to eternity.

See Matthew 27: 38, Mark 15:27, Luke 23: 32 - 33, 39 - 43

Luke 23: 39 - 43 States this:

One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him saying, "Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us! But the other rebuked him saying "Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong. And he said, "Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom" And he said to him, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.

Okay, what do we learn about the future of robbers? Eternal punishment! But there is a group of people who will repent of theirs sins and their fathers sins that they did to the African soil. That group will be a group of people who say our forefathers robbed Africa and so we are sorry and we deserve any punishment. Due to their remorse paired with accepting Jesus they will escape eternal damnation.

There is another group though - that will not feel remorse toward what has been done to Africa. They will believe that just asking Jesus to rescue them should be enough even if they are not sorry of what has been done to Africa. That group will not however escape damnation because they don't have remorse for their sins and they also don't accept Jesus as their savior.

Next time someone says they are sorry about the past, let them know there is no free pass without accepting Jesus.

The bible speaks of restitution over and over, so true repentance or salvation is coupled with restitution. See Zachaeus story in Luke 19: 8 - 9 says And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, "Behold, Lord the half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold. And Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, since he is also a son of Abraham.

Salvation is true salvation when you return what you stole from the people.

So the robbers of the land, while they still can they can show their remorsefulness by returning back the wealth ill-gotten to the original owners and also stay close to Jesus for eternal security.

What is Mount Zion's possible real name?


Mount Zion is one location in the Bible that is mentioned over and over. It is where life flows.

But what is mount Zion? I am not sure if the location itself was called Mount Zion or people just knew that, that mountain was mount zion.

There is no definite meaning of mount zion apart from it is a hill in Jerusalem.

I wont know why they decided not to give the meaning but I think Psalms 2: 6 sort of give us an idea. It says: I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.

Zion is a holy mountain. I think that is enough for decoding. In paleo Hebrew Zion is Sion, Tzion, Tsion, Tsiyyon. Because there are too many of these I will choose Sion.

Sion is coming from the word sinner (isoni) or izoni in Nguni. So why would God call His mountain a sinner. I think this is another case of omitted word like Temple (Ntlo Ya Thapelo). Sion could not be the name of the montain unless you add another word and that word I would add is: Without.

So it would be called a mountain without sinner(s) like this:

Engana - denoting without.  Zoni. 

Zoni was a matter of moving one letter I from the end to fit between Z and O. 

There you have it Zion from Zoni.

So it would not be Mountain of Sinners clearly if it is holy. 

It was called Intaba engenazoni. 

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

The love letter from God to His true people

One night I was trying to decode Jacobs sons names and I could not believe it.

Well, I am not able to decode a few for whatever reason, but I could see what God was telling us through the names of Jacobs sons.

I want to decode them separately from this post because I prefer shorter posts over longer ones. In this post, I will give the real meaning of the names and the love letter. And I don't believe Jacobs sons were born in the sequence written in the bible because that sequence loses the message. The message is truly amazing and it goes like this.

Zebulun, Levi, Judah , Joseph, Simeon, Asher, Reuben, Issachar, Benjamin, Dan, Gad Naphtali

I am sure you would ask how is this a love letter. These names are a love letter to Gods people who are in deep slumber right now, he wrote this message ahead of time through the naming of Jacobs sons.

I found a lot of these names to be in Nguni languages/dialects mainly. I am not sure  whether I missed a certain name in another dialect. Let us give these names their possible real meanings.

  • Zebulun means firstborn in nguni - Zibulo
  • Levi means mine - Lami (possibly the Lemba tribe)
  • Judah stands for master - Nduna
  • Joseph means gift - Yisipho
  • Simeon means listen - Ngizwe
  • Asher means call - Bitsa
  • Reuben means look at me - Bhekeni
  • Issachar - means my dish - Sitsha
  • Benjamin means eat with right hand - Dlamini (this was the Swazi/Swati Kingdom)
  • Dan means story - Ndaba
  • Gad means garden - Mngadi
  • Naphtali means you won - Nqobile
I know you would want to see google translate and then the decoding, but here I just want to tell the beautiful love letter to the firstborn sons and daughters of God. I will put all the names as they are on google translate to get a message for you. For now in nguni sequence the names are:

Zibulo, Lami, Nduna, Yisipho, Ngizwe, Bitsa (biza), Bhekani, Sitsha, Dlamini, Ndaba, Mngadi, Nqobile

Let us make it a proper sentence now:

Zibulo lami uyinduna eyisipho. Ngizwe ngiyakuBiza. Bhekani isitsha esiDlamine. Ngendaba yomngadi unqobile.

Google translate tried but a little.

Well, I hope you get the message. The names of Jacobs sons were a love letter.

Let me refine the translation though:

My firstborn (Zibulo lami) you are a master (nduna) that is a gift (Yisipho). Listen (Ngizwe) I am calling (Bitsa). Look at (Bhekani) the dish (isitsha) that I use to eat (Dlamini). Due to (Ndaba) the gardener (Mngadi (Jesus)) you have won (nqobile)

I know I may have not gotten the sequence of birth right even after unscrambling, but you get the message right away. 

God sees us as His firstborns. He sees us as Masters. He sees us as a gift. He is calling us waiting that we hear and heed his call. Once we respond he will show off what his own dish look like. That will be because we will finally accept his son to overcome the world.

I don't know any beautiful message God could have said to us. He wrote all this through peoples names. He only wants our attention and response to start showing off.

This message has been there throughout the life of our forefathers. It has not yet manifested its beautiful meaning.

I hope you heart feels the warm love from God by reading this post.

Why Tribalism is Killing Africa?

I don't know any continent that is diverse as Africa. Starting from the languages, to customs, to foods, religions, etc. Traveling around will shock you. 

Living in South Africa, we have lots of similarities among the Bantus in terms of customs, belief system, and foods with minor changes here and there. However, languages have seem to be the dividing factor.

It is easy to hear a person say - that is a typical Xhosa, Zulu, Sotho, Venda, etc. Once you hear someone say that you realize they have grouped you according to your languages. Another grouping that occurs is that of the city dwellers versus rural folks. When you are in the city and act different, many people quickly tease you that your rural lifestyle sucks. However, moving from the city to the rural area - you become a star.

I don't remember hearing many conversations around stopping tribalism on media. It is one thing that media is silent on or is swept under the carpet or avoided at all costs. I won't know why we think racism exceeds tribalism.

Moving from a Zulu dominant province to a mixed languages province with dominant Tswana speakers was a biggest shock to me. I have heard time and again people say that Zulus like fighting. Zulus are this or that. Well, I wont lie history tells of Zulu warriors. But is it fair to say, all people speaking a certain language are like that?

Decoding the Bible has opened my eyes truly. That holy book is predominantly Southern Bantu languages and clearly our forefathers learned to live with each other to the point of compiling a Book written in all Bantu dialects and that Book was kept in one shared House of Prayer (Temple) - Ntlo Ya Thapelo.

Tribalism has made Africa not reach its highest potential in all ways. Yes, colonialism played a role by dividing us further into smaller or bigger countries. Also, it seemed in the past there were lots of tribalism wars which I have no idea what the causes were. 

Tribalism has meant no tribe works perfectly fine with the other tribes. Without harmony within the tribes, resources have either been misused, misplaced or unused. Other tribes have promoted their tribes without merit too. Once you get somewhere, you will here things like only Vendas work in that section, or only whatever tribe works there. African resources cannot yield the highest return because tribes turn on each other quickly once something goes wrong.

I grew up knowing that Xhosas and Zulus are not the best of friends (for whatever reasons). However, when I got to University I had Xhosa friends. Surprising enough I have met very relatable Xhosas. I am not saying tribes don't have issues but it seems these issues are our badge of honor. What caused so much animosity among the tribes - I wonder. When did we become enemies?

I really wish to know how our forefathers managed to work together and collaborate? How could prophets come from any language and no-one discriminated against that prophet. What I learn from the Bible though is that following God was the source of our success. It seems the moment a new belief system came (ancestral worship). There was no One God to unite us and no One Temple to go to - that is in South Africa though that believes in One God.

Monday, 17 January 2022

What Goshen's possible real name?

I am kind of tired to decode the names in the bible already. It feels like the same exercise over and over. My discovery of the real names makes me feel like by now it is clear as daylight that the Bible(imibhalo) is in Bantu dialects.

One of the dialects I have not spoken of is Swati. And believe you me the bible has all dialects. If you are still stuck in tribalism nothing will be easy for you trying to decode the bible.

Fortunately, I grew up listening to a radio station in Swaziland because my family lives in a not that far distance to Swaziland. The radio frequency was as clear as the ones in South Africa.

I picked a few words that are different from Zulu (home tongue) from listening the radio station. 

Now coming to Goshen. I am sure you know the drill. 

  • First get the meaning in the bible or other sources, 
  • Secondly, try to get a Bantu word that sounds similar to Hebrew.
  • Lastly decode how it could have been scrambled.
Now what does Goshen appear - Genesis 46: 33 - 34 reads as follows:
When Pharaoh calls you in and asks, "What is your occupation?' you should answer, "Your servants have tended livestock from our boyhood on, just as our fathers did." Then you will be allowed to settle in the region of Goshen, for all shepherds are detestable to the Egyptians"

Most sources say Goshen means near. I will show you why it is the opposite. Goshen should mean far because from the text itself it is clear that Joseph cannot keep his family close to him because the Egyptians don't like shepherds. Why should Joseph force that his family be closer to people who detest them? That is for you to answer.

Now that I have changed the meaning, let us look up the word far in Swati.

I hope you can see the word already. Far is Khashane in Swati.

So how could they scramble the word Khashane to Goshen. I think because words were written without vowels is easy to see which letter was added.

Using the latin letters let us write both Goshen and Khashane without vowels.
You'd get GSHN (SH - was one letter in paleo Hebrew) verus KSHN. Only K was changed to G. And when the vowels were introduced, the scramblers intentionally used wrong vowels.

So in conclusion, Joseph's family was kept as far as possible because Egyptians did not like shepherds. 

And the place was far meaning KHASHANE not GOSHEN.

What were Sodom and Gomorrah's real names?

The scrambled words take some technical method to decode them. With no meaning given, the only place to get your clue is in the scripture. In this instance Sodom has vague meaning online. Gomorrah has people speculating the meaning also.

What was Sodom and Gomorrah? I suspect it is the same situation of Babylon, where Bantu people gave the name to describe the state of the land. So no self-loving, self-respecting city would call itself Sodom and Gomorrah.

According Genesis 19: 5 it is written: They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them"

Well, if you don't see the nature of the place let me help you. Lot is living in a place full of people who practice too sex. 

A sex place in Xhosa is:

Sex in Xhosa is isondo

Can you see the similarities between isondo and Sodom? This one they simply Changed N to M to get Somdo. Then take M to the end to get SODOM. Sodom was a sex place, even the people there behave like that.

Sodoms real name is Sondo but without place it wont be appropriate. So it must be indawo yokwabelana ngesondo. 

Now let  us get to Gomorrah. Gomorrah has a meaning going around in the net but believe you me it is not at all correct. The correct meaning for Gomorrah is Dirt. I stil dont know how the Bible people spoke. How can two places have two dialects? It is very interesting to hear what they sounded like.

Okay, dirt is from a Zulu word ukungcola.I suspect dirt is indicative of behavior rather than the place. 

Let us first remove UKU and be left with Ngcola. Can you see the similarities between Gomorrah and Ngcola. Lots of times Ls have changed to Rs so let us do that also to get Ngcora. Add another R just for fun and get Ngcorra. Change N to H and then throw it at the end and get Gcorrah. Now, change C to M and then move it to after O to get GOMRRAH. Gomrrah misses a vowel. But if you pronounce gomrrah and ngcola you can tell it rhymes.
Lastly, add O after M to get Gomorrah.

There you have it. Gomorrah means dirt and was called a place of dirt (indawo yokungcola)

What is Babylon's possible real name?

Babylon is one place no one knows in terms of location. Many people speculate a lot.

The problem with the word Babylon is there is no kingdom today that calls itself Babylon.

If you know Bantu people, you will know that there is a tendency of labelling things and people. Most names we give to people or places are not names they would use to call themselves. That is the same situation with Babylon. Babylon is not a name any self-loving, self-respecting nation/kingdom would give itself. Why do I say so. The meaning of Babylon is right there in the bible in Genesis 11.

Let us look at the verse, Genesis 11 : 9 That is why it was called Babel - because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

The meaning of the word Babel also called Babylon is confusion of the tongue

What is the confusion of the tongue in Bantu dialect. I found the closest word in Zulu, unfortunately those who translated the bible chose a word I don't see fits. So i went to google translate.

Confusing the tongue is did'ulim. 

Confuse comes from the word DIDA. Tongue in Zulu is the same as language it is ulimi.
If you want to scramble Babylon from DIDA ulimi you would first join the two words and get
Didaulimi. Secondly change Ds to Bs and get Bibaulimi. Thirdly cut out letters like U and I  (the one at the end)  to get Bibalim. Now swap Bi and Ba and get Babilim. Lastly, change I and M to O and N your results would be Babilon. Babi is Basically from Dida. 

Babylon's real name is Did'ulim. 

What is your verdict - can any self-loving nation call itself confusion?

You decide.

What was Jacob's possible real name?

For half the time, I have been able to use other bloggers/vloggers to get my information. In this instance I have a very unique name that I have not seen anywhere. 

Jacobs name meaning is very unpleasant to count the least. This is the only place I go with the written form rather than meaning because the meaning from different reliable sources say this name means to follow, to be behind, to supplant, circumvent, assail, overreach. This is the complete opposite of what Jacob means.

Jacobs meaning is not in the Bible. The bible only mentions this in Genesis 25: 26(a) After this, his brother came out with his hand grasping Esau's heel, so he was named Jacob.

Jacob in Paleo Hebrew is written as Ya'aqov. In Bantu Q is a click letter. In this instance I will go with the Zulu translation. Just pronounce the Q and you will know the name that rhymes with Yaaqov. 

First let me say, I am a bit frustrated by google translate. It seems it can limit the meaning of words and that makes it hard to prove the similarities without a Bantu/English dictionary.

The word Jacob was meaning Victor, well google says victory which is wrong.

I am comfortable with Manqoba name but the translation for Victor is not far off with Mnqobi.  At least victory is close enough to victor so I can work with it. 

So how did Manqoba become Yaaqov - First they probably changed M to Y and the name changed from Manqoba to Yanqoba. Secondly I suspect the last a was added between A and N like this Yaanqob. Then remove n from Yaanqob to get Yaaqob. To finally get the real scramble change b to v in paleo. But B seems to resurface in English and other translations. Why Jacob  with B if in paleo hebrew it is V? Yacob or Jacob simply is from Manqoba meaning Victor.  This is the most difficult click in Bantus.

This changing of Ys to Ms and Ms to V, etc is occurring to many many names and you will see it with time.

Next time you say Jacob, remember it means victor. He was born a victor because he fought his brother in his mothers stomach.

What is Torah's real name?

Torah is like the book of the Bantus they used daily in the past. But what was it called, because torah does not sound like a Bantu word?

One day I was just sitting minding my business (watching something)when the real name came. I was like thank you Holy Spirit because you are helping me even when I am not thinking around these words. 

The word torah simply means law. Well, when you search the meaning online, you will get a long list of things it means. However, the truth is the word Torah means law.

What is law in Bantu dialects? In Zulu/Xhosa it is umthetho. In Sotho/SeTswana it is molao.

Can you see the similarities between Molao and Torah?

I have said in one post the scramblers liked to change Ms to Ts and this is on perfect example. If you change M to T you would get Tolao. Second change L ro R and get Torao. Lastly change O to H.

Your final answer is Torah. 

Somebody tell me, is law in English also coming from Molao? 

Bantus be proud of being the source of laws in the world.

What was Noahs real name?

I think this post will be difficult to convince some of the people. That is because the meaning of the name Noah is distorted just like Jacobs name. 

When you go online the and search for Noah - the meaning is rest. I don't believe Noah means rest. I believe the clue is in the story. According to the bible Noah found grace. I believe his name was what directed his life. In Genesis 6: 8 (KJV) it says : But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. 

At this point if you don't believe that names direct your life, I don't know how to convince you. Noah found grace from God because his name is grace. It may sound like a fairytale but it is true. Names are not just names. If names were just names, then why did God change some peoples names to achieve His goal? 

Noah finds grace because he was named grace. Now what is grace in Bantu dialects? I think I will spare giving other dialects and go straight to the one applicable - that is Sotho. Grace in Sotho is mohau and in paleo Hebrew is Noach. 

The scrambling of this name was real. The only common letters are O nd A. Enough to conclude that the real meaning and the words share the same group of languages. How did they scramble Mohau. Well I suspect they changed M to N first and the name was Nohau. Secondly was to move A to between O and H to get Noahu. The last thing was change U to C and swap the letters again to get NOACH.

Whoever was doing the scrambling, I believe the Holy Spirit did not allow all the letters in Bantu to be changed. In the worst case scenario only one letter is left but I haven't found a situation where all letters don't match.

Conclusion : Noah was Mohau. 

Sunday, 16 January 2022

What was Esau's real name?

 Esau's name will probably be difficult because of how we write today.

According to Genesis 25: 26 it reads thus: The first to come out was red, and his whole body was like a hairy garment, so they named him Esau.

A red person or rather light-skinned person is called Mosweu in seTswana

So it is possible that if they used the skin colour, he was called Mosweu. So how did Esau come about. In Paleo Hebrew Esau is written as Esaw. Mosweu and Esaw have three common letters - those are ESW. Clearly MO was dropped first. When you drop Mo from Mosweu you'd be left with Sweu. From Sweu take E to the beginning and get ESWU. Lastly change U to A and then move it to between S and W to get ESAW. Esau and Mosweu do rhyme and you can tell right there that it is a Bantu language.

So conclusion is Esau/Esaw was Mosweu in SeTswana.

What does Bantu mean?

Most people are very quick on online platforms to dismiss the word Bantu. Once you use it, they will tell you the word Bantu simply means people.

I don't deny that today when someone says umuntu/abantu they simply mean people. However, once you know that the father of Abantu was called Ntu, you will realize that Abantu cannot mean people.

Abantu - or people who call people -Ntu, -Tho, -Thu, etc whatever prefix they use are a group. They may not know it now but the Bible as our source to decode will make you see that children were called - Ban/Ben. This comes from a Sotho word called Bana

So clearly after Abraham gave birth to Isaac, from there on the children were referred to bana ba'ntu. Meaning children of Ntu.

I suspect with time bana was dropped to just get Ba'Ntu indicating that we are of Ntu. This is an assumption so if you know the real history with reliable reference please share.

The only word as I said that is common in the Bantu people is Ntu (the father of abantu). Whether the person is in the East or North or South or West of Africa if you use Ntu to call a person (however you write it), then you possibly are a generation of Bab'Ntu (Father of Ntus). Unfortunately, with Bantu people being reckless with their history (holy book) lots of people have dismissed the existence of people called abantu. Some claim the name was only given by the Caucasians, but that is far from the truth. 

When the boats arrived in shores of South African people living here already called themselves abantu. Even the old government called only black/brown people Bantu. 
The term Bantu quickly meant we were beneath or deserved inferior education, etc. That is why they stopped using the term because it was referring to inferior quality of life.

Next time someone says abantu simply means people - ask them about Ntu. 

We are Bana Ba'Ntu not just people. 

The repackaged Bible however, indicates that the holy people are children of Jacob another mismatch. I believe it was written children of Ntu not Israel.

What was Isaac's real name?

I am sure by now you no the drill. If not, check other posts about the real names of the people of the bible. 

Very few people names were written in their original Bantu names. I am still to find at least one person with the original bantu name - possibly in the long genealogies. That is because no-one wants to read the whole chapter of who beget who. 

Well back to Isaac, you probably are like me. I like straight forward answers eg I would want the post to be Isaac is XXXX then I move on. However, if I do so I won't do justice to comparing the paleo Hebrew to Bantu dialects. If I jump straight to the answer also you may say it is not true because you may not see how the word was manipulated from the original Bantu name to the written paleo Hebrew.

Ok, enough about rambling. According to the bible Isaac means laughter - Genesis 21 : 6 reads as follows: Sarah said, "God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me"

What is to laugh or laughter in Bantu languages? I will settle for Southern Sotho translation. Feel free to use google translate to check Xhosa, Zulu, SeTswana, etc

But laugh in Southern Sotho is Tsheha. In Paleo Hebrew, Isaac is Yitzchaq. Again the consonants are what will guide us. Tsheha and Yitzchaq have THA in common. It seem YI was added incorrectly in paleo Hebrew. To have the words at the same standing Tsheha would be Tzchaq without YI in paleo Hebrew. Again S was changed to Z. C could be E. Let us try with these few changes Tzchaq changes to Tsehaq. The last thing we can do is either remove q altogether or change Q to H and then move it from the end and put it between S and E. We can finally have Tsheha from Tsehaq. 

The re-writting of names was intentional, deceptive and scrambled.

Isaacs' real Bantu name was possibly just Tsheha. 

Saturday, 15 January 2022

What is the bibles' real name?

The bible is clearly a book with holy writings. And I suppose the lack of coming up with new names in those who scrambled the book and repackaged it could not use words far from Bantu words.

The name of the bible simply comes from Xhosa/Zulu name. I suspect it was called Holy Writings.

Can you see a word similar to bible? Imibhalo vs Bible. 

You can decode this word easily when you follow paleo Hebrew writing method. BL (Bhala) vs BBL (Biblia) only one B was added when writing without vowels.

So the word Bible comes from imibhalo.

What was Sarah's real name?

Well, I hope you have seen how I change names from paleo Hebrew back to Bantu dialects in the previous posts. My one and only guidance is the meaning of he names. 

If the meaning is not given, I try to see what the name rhymes with or which letters are common between paleo and bantu. As we continue, you will soon realize that there are lot of mismatches. 

Coming to Sarah's name. Let us get to the meanings too so that you can see the mismatch.

According to the bible God changed Sarah's name from Sarai Genesis 17:15 - God also said to Abraham, "As for Sarai your wife, you are no longer to call her Sarai; her name will be Sarah.

Sarai meaning is not given and Sarah means princess. 

What do I think her names mean, I think she was called princess and then breed. I know the name ''breed'' does not sound special. But to open her womb God had to call her with the verb that will bring forth children. 

Let us look at both names in Bantu

Princess in Zulu is Nkosazane

I suspect Nko was removed completely to leave Sazane. Then the next step was to remove e to get Sazan. The next step was change Z to R to get Saran. No wonder it is written as Sarah. 

What about Zalani in Zulu. 

I am sure if you don't know the language, all this is just confusing. So Sarai would be achieved like this - first change z to s from ZALANI to SALANI. Next change L to R like this - SARANI. Last thing is just remove N and be left with SARAI.

I know it would take a lot of effort but I really believe our languages have only evolved based on new words and borrowed words. I don't see how a whole nation can forget its language just like that. So my conclusion is that the original words were scrambled in the re-packaged bible.

So Sarah is princess coming from Nkosazane and Sarai comes from breed which is Zalani. 
Conclusion Sarah was changed not Sarai. She was Sarah changed to Sarai.

I suspect Abraham and Sarah were a power couple called 'Zalani Abantu' (Sarai - Abram) (wrong spellings) meaning be fruitful

Clearly the celebs joining names today try to do this. LOL

You are allowed to change you mind

My journey has been one of the lonely ones. I practically reason things alone and try to get answers all by myself. Following this method me...